Eternal Life is a Gift!

God made it very simple to come to know God. He sent His Son so we can have eternal life–know Him (John 3:16, John 17:3). “You can come to Him through Jesus Christ- right now. You do not have to be perfect; we do not have to be holy. Come the way you are, right … [Read more…]

Death (What Happens When Christians Die)

Question: What happens to Christians when we die? Answer: We are spiritual beings just like our Father (John 4:24, Genesis 1:27) and just like every other thing He created, they will live forever (angels, even fallen angels). When our fallen body (flesh) dies our spirit will live (Christians will not taste death or experience God’s … [Read more…]

Jessica Alba?

I hate politics because it does divide to a certain degree. I will say this, we have to make sure we are hearing truth and vote accordingly. This is no time to vote a certain way because my second cousin removed votes a certain way. Borders are important to a nation; protecting this country is … [Read more…]

Straight Out of Greece

So I ran into my first known-IDed as- Greek today. He not only looked Greek (or Italian), he had a shirt that said, “Straight Outta Greece!” We were talking about the border and inflation. He liked some of the things Harris said and I reminded him, “remember, it’s what they do as well.” I said … [Read more…]

Out and About

Out and about talking politics with the people. We talked about the border, voter integrity (very few I talked with want mail-in ballots, most are going in person), immigration, economy, power-hungry politicians, judges that overstep their bounds, Second Amendment rights, and keeping the power where it belongs- with the people. These are real concerns that … [Read more…]