A Tribute to a Friend

My friend Tony Camillo asked me a question years ago and he wanted my opinion. He said, “Noah I was flying, and I looked out the window. I believe I saw Jesus with His arms open. See, I met him onlline-playing Quake– and met him in person later with a bunch of other guys and gals who played together; we all met at an Italian restaurant (go figure) named Anna’s Pizza in Newport News, VA (still open, go try). His computer name was Scarface, he taught me a lot about computers, install software, hardware, troubleshooting both, and how to build them. Tony was good at that sort of thing, so he showed me a digital picture he drew with a paint program. It was something like this…He said, “do you believe it, would God do something like that?” I said, “Tony, I believe it.” Tony said, “Why would He do something like that? I said, “maybe to build our faith or maybe to get us thinking about Him (I wasn’t sure, not as bright back then, but that is the answers I gave Tony). I was younger than him, but we got along great. Not sure if he told that story to anyone else, but he trusted me with that, and that was very cool.

He had a great job doing IT work, and measuring some thingymcjiggers at the power plant. He took me to his office one day and we started talking about life and how he wished he could have done something better or great. I told him, “My life is falling a part. You are doing great. A good job, wife and children, a nice house.” He said, “I know…”

I never thought about this until now. If it was not for Tony, I would have never had the ministry I have today. There would be no college degree, no webpages, no emails, no texts, no talks with strangers and friends helping them because most of the tools I use for ministry, he helped show me the way. I do not know how many lives we changed or how many souls we helped bring into the kingdom, but I know God wanted me to write this and if I could talk to him again (I will, but not now), I would tell him how much he helped me and thank him.

Mark 9:41, Matthew 10:41

Moral of the story? Stay in touch with your friends no matter what, do not let fear stop you from having closer relationships, and God sees all the good we do.

Upwards and onwards, buddy. See you soon, Tony.

Side motes:
Not sure if that is the exact wording of the conversations, but that is the best I can remember.

Anna’s Pizza? Loved their food… I dated the owners, daughter’s friend (Had PG flashbacks). I wonder what they are up to now? (thumbs up)