Are We There Yet?

Why battle with demons when we can walk with angels? Better yet, why battle against Satan when we can walk and talk with God and His Son? The truth is, we have God and the same tools He gave his Son Jesus; the question I must ask all of us is? Are we there yet … [Read more…]


Talked with a man at a store today. Asked him if he was a Christian and he said, yes. We joked some, He had walking canes and was hunched over his cart while he was shopping. Later he was ahead of me at the registers, he walked ahead of me heading out to the parking … [Read more…]

The Deep and Honest Truth (and the Church)

Posted 2012 Now the deep and honest truth. I was up most of last night praying and I took a deep look at self. Instead of just pointing fingers at others, I checked myself and I must be honest. Thankfully, God has blessed my family, but I have made some mistakes. I could have done … [Read more…]

Just Believe!

Even Jesus ignored what some people had to say. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” Mark5:36 Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Sin and Death?

A good reminder for all of us when we see death and destruction is the fact that death did not enter this earth because it was the perfect will of God. Rather, sin and death entered through Adam (Romans 5:12). God gets a lot of blame when He does not deserve it. He never changes … [Read more…]