Our Witness Should Have Power

They should feel love from us, not condemnation. (John 3:16-17) If we are full of the Holy Spirit they might feel convicted (John 16:8); depending how bad they are, they also might get aggravated (study accounts of possession, etc…). Many believe wherever Jesus went, there was harmony (this is not the case). Jesus’ anointing was … [Read more…]

Pig Headed? Sometimes!

When it comes to scripture and what God has told me, I am a very, very stubborn man. The so-called church could say I am wrong, but if I have scripture and relationship backing what I heard up, I will not be moved.

Love God!

A church that does not teach to love God is just as bad as a church that does not teach to love others (Matthew‬ ‭22:37‭-‬40‬, John 14:15-31).

Great Faith Knows God (notes)

Great faith knows God. Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith brings us into the spiritual; faith keeps us believing in the unseen. The manifestation will … [Read more…]

Be Faithful!

Faithful, for any relationship to work be it a friend, coworker, team member, or that special someone, love demands being faithful (remaining loyal and steadfast) loyalty (a strong feeling of support or allegiance). To put it simply, love does no harm (cheat, backstab, talk bad, etc…) to others. Romans 13:10 (NKJV): 10 Love does no … [Read more…]