The Constitution Protects All People
The Constitution is not a far-right document; rather, it is a document that protects all people and should be on the minds and lips of every politician.
The Constitution is not a far-right document; rather, it is a document that protects all people and should be on the minds and lips of every politician.
Biden’s behavior on the borders is tyrannical, not protecting the Constitution or the people, which he swore under oath to protect. We–the people– must defend the Constitution, our country, our voting integrity, and the people within our borders.
Politics can be an ugly, evil, thing if we do not check ourselves individually and collectively. Staying humble before God and others is a good thing and to serve others correctly, we must continue to humble ourselves throughout our lives and careers.
It is very important to watch the house and senate floors; watch when the media doesn’t tell you to watch. Notice they do not tell you about the debates on the floor and the actual content of the bills?? They want to filter what we hear through their media outlets. The same reason they made … [Read more…]
There are political reasons we need to go with the best constitutionalist in the primaries! It is called, “having a seat at the table.” If moderates keep pushing lessor of two evil strategies on us, and we fall for fear tactics such as we cannot win, our numbers will look smaller (vote for a moderate … [Read more…]
There is blame to go around if a terrorist attack happens on our soil. The truth is most countries – if not all – have border control. Allowing people to cross illegally allows people to come into this country that we cannot monitor. Tactically and defensively speaking this is a huge problem for our country. … [Read more…]
We should never allow criminals to dictate the rights of the people. In the name of criminals and future crime, the rights of the people have been stripped by power hungry politicians. If they decide to do evil, we must have a way to stop evil–period. Yes, we should care for people and try to … [Read more…]