Christmas, make it a Holy Spirit prayer meeting and come expecting. In other words, dates matter less to God than true worship; He would rather us come together, one accord, worshipping Him together. Let’s pick a date? 🤔 Dec 25 would make the most sense! Let’s do this!
My Thoughts about Christmas
Saint Nicholas was a real person. I would study him; I believe it will bless you.
Many walked away from the original meaning a long time ago, but this does not mean we cannot come together now.
I like to see Christmas through the eyes of God and HIs Son. The tree reminds me of the burning bush–God, gifts remind me of the gifts He gave us (gift of salvation, family, my daughter being healed, my family being protected, etc…). Can a pagan have a Christmas tree? Absolutely, if they want a CHRISTmas tree, just do not call my Christmas tree pagan. 🙂
The spirit of Christmas to me is the Holy Spirit and it really should be this way year-round. However, I do like Christmas time. There is something about people coming together– one accord–that is powerful. That should be our focus rather than fighting over pagan this or pagan that; the truth is, God is the original and a lot of these holidays were founded by Christians. We should stop letting Satan divide and start coming together. Pray and agree, one mind–Christ, one body (many parts).
Side Note: Satanist love Halloween and they believe in the power of agreement. If Christians started to agree more, I believe we will see a greater revival sweeping the lands.