I do not talk about other leaders much because of the path God has me on, but I wanted to share a testimony about Pat Roberson and his son Gordon. Years ago, I hurt my knee on the job, it was bad, and I was praying for healing. I woke up in the morning, I was staying in a room in Hampton, VA getting ready to go to work (I was thinking about calling off, it was hurting badly). I turned the TV on and there was Pat and hIs son giving words of knowledge. Gordon took his turn, and he said, “There is a man that just turned the TV on; your knee is hurting, and you are thinking about taking off from work. God is touching that knee right now. “I said that is me…I got up and started to walk around the room; I moved my knee back and forth and the pain started to leave until it was completely gone (I did report that testimony, not sure if they would still have it). Pat Robertson did a lot of good while he was in this fallen world and one of those things was to raise a son like Gordon who happened to bless me that morning (by being obedient to the Lord).
Patrick Robertson also helped start a few powerful organizations that will continue to bless and protect the rights of many. This list includes @operationblessing @CBN @theACLJ to name a few.
Good job, man of God. See you soon!
P.S. We do not give birth and end dates here; as far as we are concerned, Pat is more alive now than he ever was…Praise God!